Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is an ancient means to give your mind peace. A few minutes of daily meditation will help you to act more calmly in stressful situations.

In everyday life we are often triggered by situations, other people or our own thoughts. Something is not going as we want it to and frustration is building up. Someone behaves inconsiderate and anger shoots up in us. We think of a possible horror scenario and fear is suffocating us.

Most of the time we react irrationally and get exasperated afterwards that we have acted so emotionally.

This indicates that we bypassed our cerebral cortex and instead relied completely on our reptilian brain.

This ancient part of our brain is responsible for registering strong emotions such as fear and anger, classifying dangers and quickly activating behaviour that is critical for survival.


In stressful situations your brain is capable of triggering three possible behavioral patterns. These are Freeze, Flight and Fight. As you can imagine, this works great when you have to act reflexively in a life-threatening scenario. However, in complex situations like a fight with your partner, salary negotiations with your supervisor or an important exam, these highly rigid behavioural patterns are not helpful.

With the help of meditation and mindfulness you can train your brain to remain flexible in the assessment of situations and it helps with exchanging the panicky behaviour for the calmness and inner openness which you practice in meditation.

To commence this training without guidance can quickly become overstraining. The correct, but also crude instruction to simply try to let all thoughts leave your mind and be aware only of your body may seem impossible for beginners. Therefore, I have recorded guided meditations that you can listen to.

In addition, I will continuously introduce new mindfulness exercises here, which you can easily integrate into your everyday life.

Mindfulness involves sharpening your senses, being in the moment and devoting yourself entirely to one action.

If you like, you can also subscribe to my MindfullyYours newsletter. There you will receive a monthly email from me in which I will explain a mindfulness practice and from time to time send a lovely short meditation that I do not provide elsewhere.